Call Anyone in less than 10 seconds

Find direct phone numbers of 385M+ professionals

Unlock direct contact details of any Candidate or Client just by using their linkedin url

Unlock 5 contacts for free

Trusted by Top Companies Globally and in India

Trusted by companies of all sizes—from solo entrepreneurs to India's top hiring firms—to reach clients and candidates faster.

Reach Key Decision Makers in 190+ Countries

Connect with anyone who has a LinkedIn URL, regardless of their industry, department, company, or country. 

Any country  

India, USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Asia, UK, Australia and 190+ Countries

Any decision makers

CEOs, CHROs, CTOs, Directors VPs, CFOs, CMOs, COOs, and more

Any industry

Technology, Manufacturing, Finance, Healthcare, Retail And more

Any department

 HR, IT, Sales, Marketing, Operations, and more

 Waiting 2-5 days to accept your LinkedIn connection request?

Use Reachfast to find personal phone numbers and emails, call directly, and get a yes or no to your proposal INSTANTLY
Reach anyone 2x faster on phone
Upload a CSV or copy/paste 100's of linkedin urls and find their personal phone numbers in less than 5 minutes
Find personal phones/emails in under 10 seconds
Your ideal client or candidate's phone number is just a click away using our chrome extension
Connect to 100+ Sources using our API
Enhance your ATS, CRM, HR automation platforms, and sales tools with's powerful API. Effortlessly find personal phone numbers without leaving your workflow, keeping your team focused and efficient.

Backed by 100% Accuracy Guarantee

For any invalid phone numbers you report on our platform, we refund your credits. You pay only for 100% valid data

Maximum Phone Numbers

Our AI algorithms are optimized to find the most personal phone numbers, not work numbers.

Emails are FREE

We only charge for the personal phone numbers we find. All emails (work or personal) are included for free.

Bulk upload

Upload a CSV or paste hundreds of LinkedIn URLs, and we'll process them and notify you  by email when they're ready.

Triple verification

All phone numbers and email addresses in our database are triple-verified for accuracy.

How is Reachfast better than Lusha, Zoominfo, Apollo and others?

See how Reachfast compares to other market leaders

Here's what our users say

Testimonial user avatar

Sourabh Chavariya

Founder at Hiring Scouts
The platform is intuitive and user-friendly. The contact details provided are accurate and comprehensive, including emails, phone numbers, and LinkedIn profile links, making it superior to other tools in the market, such as ContactOut, SalesQL particularly in finding phone numbers
Testimonial user avatar

Siddharth Gopi

Co-founder at
Using Reachfast has been a game-changer for us at Tophire. Before, it would take 2-3 days to get a response from clients and candidates on LinkedIn. Now, with direct phone calls, we get a yes or no in under 5 minutes. This efficiency has led to a remarkable 10X ROI on our investment
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Nirnimes Product on ProductHunt)
The percentage of contacts found on Reachfast is excellent and continually improving. Additionally, their transparency about upcoming features and any bugs in our WhatsApp support group is very helpful.


Reach your prospects
 2x faster

All you need is their Linkedin url 
Unlock 5 contacts for free